Overfitting is a common problem in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, where a model learns to perform exceptionally well on the training data but fails to generalize accurately to new, unseen data. In other words, the model becomes too specific to the training data and loses its ability to generalize to new examples.

Here are some key characteristics and causes of overfitting:

  1. High Training Accuracy, Poor Generalization: An overfit model achieves a high accuracy or low loss on the training data but performs poorly on unseen data. It memorizes the training examples rather than learning the underlying patterns and relationships.
  2. Complexity and Overparameterization: Overfitting often occurs when the model is excessively complex or has too many parameters relative to the amount of training data. With a high model complexity, the model can “overfit” the noise or outliers present in the training data.
  3. Insufficient Training Data: When the training dataset is small, the model may not have enough representative examples to learn the underlying patterns accurately. In such cases, the model may overfit by fitting the noise or individual data points.
  4. Lack of Regularization: Regularization techniques, such as L1 or L2 regularization, introduce additional constraints to the model’s parameters during training. Without regularization, the model is more prone to overfitting as it can freely adjust its parameters without penalty.
  5. Incorrect Model Assumptions: If the model assumptions do not align with the underlying data distribution, overfitting can occur. For instance, using a linear model to fit nonlinear relationships can lead to overfitting.
  6. Feature Overfitting: When the model is given a large number of features relative to the number of training examples, it can potentially find spurious correlations between specific features and the target variable, leading to overfitting.

Detecting and addressing overfitting are crucial to developing reliable AI models. Here are some techniques to mitigate overfitting:

  1. Increase Training Data: Collecting more diverse and representative training data can help the model generalize better.
  2. Regularization: Apply regularization techniques, such as L1 or L2 regularization, to penalize large weights and prevent overemphasis on specific features or patterns.
  3. Cross-Validation: Use techniques like k-fold cross-validation to evaluate the model’s performance on multiple subsets of the training data and identify any signs of overfitting.
  4. Feature Selection: Select relevant features and eliminate irrelevant or noisy features to reduce the model’s complexity.
  5. Early Stopping: Monitor the model’s performance on a validation set during training and stop the training process when the validation error starts to increase, indicating overfitting.
  6. Model Simplification: Use simpler models with fewer parameters or constraints that better match the problem at hand.
  7. Dropout: Apply dropout regularization, which randomly disables a portion of the model’s neurons during training to prevent over-reliance on specific neurons and encourage more robust representations.

By implementing these techniques, one can help combat overfitting and build AI models that generalize well to unseen data, resulting in improved performance and reliability.

What is Validation?

We can help deter overfitting by dividing our dataset into three groups:

  1. Training – trains the model.
  2. Validation –
    • helps us detect and prevent overfitting.
    • Validation only propagated forward not backward, so that the loss function is calculated.
    • Validation is calculated at the end of each epoch.
    • If validation loss begins increasing during runs of the epochs while the training loss is still decreasing, then overfitting is occurring. Training should be stopped just before this occurs.
  3. Test – run this after the epochs are done. The accuracy/loss calculated here is your official accuracy/loss for the model.

Training/Validation/Test data is usually divided 80/10/10 or 70/20/10.

N-Fold Cross Validation

  • Sometimes your dataset is too small to divide into three groups.
  • N-Folds Cross Validation combines the Training and Validation data in a clever way.
  • This unfortunately can result in a bit of overfitting.

N-fold cross-validation is a technique used in machine learning to assess the performance and generalization ability of a model. It involves dividing the available labeled data into N subsets, or folds, and performing training and evaluation iterations N times, each time using a different fold as the validation set and the remaining folds as the training set.

Here’s how n-fold cross-validation works:

  1. Data Split:
    • The labeled dataset is randomly divided into N approximately equal-sized subsets or folds.
    • Each fold contains a similar distribution of examples across different classes or target values.
  2. Training and Evaluation:
    • For each iteration, one of the folds is selected as the validation set, and the remaining N-1 folds are combined to form the training set.
    • The model is trained on the training set, typically using a specific set of hyperparameters.
    • The trained model is then evaluated on the validation set to measure its performance using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, or mean squared error.
  3. Iterations:
    • The training and evaluation process is repeated N times, with each fold serving as the validation set once.
    • This ensures that each example in the dataset is used for both training and validation across the N iterations.
  4. Performance Measurement:
    • After completing the N iterations, the performance metrics obtained from each fold are averaged to obtain an overall assessment of the model’s performance.
    • The average performance score provides a more reliable estimate of the model’s generalization ability compared to evaluating on a single validation set.

Benefits of N-fold cross-validation include:

  • It allows for a more robust evaluation of the model’s performance by utilizing the entire dataset for training and validation.
  • It helps to reduce the variance in the performance estimate that can arise from using a single validation set.
  • It provides a better representation of how the model is likely to perform on unseen data.

Common choices for the value of N in N-fold cross-validation are 5 or 10, but other values can be used depending on the available data and computational resources.

Early Stopping (or When to Stop Training)

Early Stopping is a technique to prevent overfitting.

  • Use a preset number of epochs – this will eventually solve the problem, but there is no guarantee that the min is reached.
  • Stop when the loss function updates become sufficiently small – a common rule of thumb is the stop when the relative decrease in the loss function is less than 0.001. i.e. xi + 1 – xi = 0.001. Here we can be sure the loss of minimized. This also saves computing power. Can also lead to overfitting.
  • The Validation Set strategy – This is the usage of three groups of data during training.